
Thursday, August 2, 2018


Methyl 2,3-anhydro-4,6-O-benzyIidene-๐›ผ-D-aIIopyranoside

  • In a two-necked, 250-ml round-bottomed flask fitted with a mechanical stirrer unit and a pressure-equalising funnel protected with a calcium chloride guard-tube place a solution of 11.7g (0.0195 mol) of methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-2,3-di-O-toluene-p-sulphonyl-๐›ผ-D-glucopyranoside in 150ml of dichloro-methane. 
  • Cool the solution to 0°C by means of an ice-salt bath and add a solution of sodium methoxide in methanol [prepared from 2.3 g (0.1 mol) of sodium and 40 ml of methanol] dropwise with stirring. 
  • When the addition is complete remove the stirrer and funnel, stopper the flask and leave it in a refrigerator for 48 hours and then at room temperature for a further 24 hours. 
  • Extract the dichloromethane solution with water until the aqueous washings are neutral, dry over magnesium sulphate and remove the solvent from dichloromethane to give the pure product, m.p. 195-199 °C, [๐›ผ]แด…²ยบ + 140° (c2 in CHC1₃). The yield is 4.2 g (82%).

Methyl 4,6-O-benzyIidene-๐›ผ-D-aItropyranoside

  • Triturate 4.0 g (0.015 mol) of the foregoing anhydro derivative in a mortar with a solution of 5g of potassium hydroxide dissolved in 140 ml of water. 
  • Transfer the suspension to a round-bottomed flask and heat the mixture under reflux until all the solid has dissolved (about 28 hours). 
  • During this period solid material tends to creep up the inside of the flask surface; shake periodically to re-suspend material. 
  • Remove the trace of insoluble matter which remains and neutralise the cooled filtrate with carbon dioxide (use phenophthalein as an indicator). 
  • Extract the solution with five 25 ml portions of dichloromethane, wash the combined extracts with a little cold water, dry over anhydrous sodium sulphate and remove the solvent under reduced pressure (rotary evaporator). 
  • Crystallise the syrup by scratching a small portion on a watch glass with ether; stir the bulk syrup with ether and the seed crystals. 
  • Filter off and recrystallise the product from a small quantity of methanol to obtain 3.5 g (83%) of methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-๐›ผ-D-altropyranoside, m.p. 174 °C, [๐›ผ]แด…²ยบ+115° (c2 in CHCI₃).

Methyl ๐›ผ-D-altropyranoside

  • Hydrolyse the benzylidene protecting group by heating, at 60 °C for 1 hour, 3.5 g (0.025 mol) of the foregoing compound in a mixture of 140 ml of warm water and 7 ml of 0.05 m sulphuric acid. 
  • Concentrate the residual solution to 50 ml using a rotary evaporator under reduced pressure (benzaldehyde is removed during the process) and make just alkaline (phenolphthalein) with 0.1m barium hydroxide solution (prepared by diluting a cold saturated solution with an equal volume of water). 
  • Remove the barium sulphate by filtration (Whatman No. 42 paper), wash the residue with water and concentrate the filtrate and washings to a syrup (rotary evaporator). 
  • Dissolve the residue in a little methanol, add ether until a slight turbidity is observed and set the solution on one side to crystallise. 
  • The resulting methyl ๐›ผ-D-altroside may be recrystallised from methanol/ether and has m.p. 107-108 °C, [๐›ผ]แด…²ยบ+ 126° (c3 in H₂O); the yield is 2.1 g (88%).

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