
Thursday, September 20, 2018


  • In a 500-ml single-necked flask containing a magnetic stirrer bar, place 58.5g (0.4 mol) of adipic acid, 16 g (20 ml, -0.5 mol) of methanol, 83.2 g (0.8 mol) of 2,2-dimethoxy propane and 0.5 g of toluene-p-sulphonic acid. 
  • Fit a reflux condenser to the flask and stir the mixture magnetically for 4 hours in a water bath kept at 45 °C. 
  • Rearrange the condenser for distillation and distil off acetone (b.p. 56 °C) and methanol (b.p. 64 °C) on the water bath. 
  • Distil the residue under reduced pressure (water pump) and collect the dimethyl adipate, b.p. 130°C/25mmHg. The yield is 54.9 g (79%).

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